Maria Teresa De Donato, Ph.D. in Holistic Health


Naturopath, Homeopath, and Life Strategist

An Educator and a great Motivator, Maria Teresa De Donato, Ph.D. has been coaching and inspiring people of all ages, ethnicities and walks of life along with businesses and organizations, both profits and not-for-profits, for more than 40 years both in Europe and in America.

An active listener and an attentive observer of the human nature, she is fascinated by the relation between perception and belief system and their consequent impact on people’s lives at all levels. A Certified Traditional Naturopath, Classical Homeopath and Life Strategist, she holds

  • a Doctoral, a master’s and a bachelor’s degree in Holistic Health;
  • Certifications in Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Nutrition, and Herbalism;
  • Certifications in Tai Chi-QiGong-Shibashi;
  • Certifications in Anger Management, Conflict Analysis, Negotiation & Conflict Management;
  • Certifications in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP);
  • a Diploma in Stress Management;
  • Certifications in Reiki;
  • Certification in Family Constellation

Extremely versatile and with an inquisitive and highly intuitive mind she always focuses on the identification of the root cause of a problem. An active Member of several professional organizations she is is also a passionate Blogger and the Author of several books.

Whatever your problem, be it either health-related or else, she will create a customized program to help you renew your old way of thinking, through which you might have been sabotaging yourself without even realizing it, and finally, by reaching your full potential and ultimate goals, live a healthier, more balanced and rewarding life as you deserve.

Thanks to her great love and passion for both study and research you can always be sure that she will recommend you the very best natural remedies and modalities to help you walk your path to optimum health whatever your problem or concern may be, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, allergies, asthma, arthritis, menopausal symptoms, stress, acute and chronic health issues, just to name a few.

Acute problems are those you have that may start suddenly and usually last one day to a month (like flu, cold, cramps, cough, etc.).  Viruses may cause some of them to disappear by themselves, or they can be taken care of either with antibiotics (as conventional/allopathic medicine does) or with more natural and less aggressive remedies (such as herbalism and homeopathy)

Chronic problems last two months or more (like arthritis, diabetes, migraines, depression, eczema, etc.) and may be caused by several factors including family history and environment.  Though there is no guarantee that those sorts of health issues will disappear completely, most of them, if well managed, may lead to a normal life almost symptoms free through a change in eating and lifestyle habits.

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Author, Blogger, Journalist, and Literary Critic

Maria Teresa De Donato, Ph.D., was born in Rome, Italy, where she lived, studied, and worked until the beginning of 1995 before permanently relocating to the United States.

After graduating from the Technical Institute of Tourism “J. F. Kennedy,” Maria Teresa attended for two years the Faculty of Magisterium-Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literature at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome, dropping out at the end of the second year while not feeling particularly motivated to pursuing her studies. At the same time she studied also journalism at Scuola Superiore di Giornalismo “Accademia.”

Once in the US, Maria Teresa resumed her studies in journalism and graduated from the American College of Journalism. Her extremely versatile and eclectic nature, her great variety of interests and her holistic and multicultural approach not only to health but, even more so, to life itself enabled her over the years to publish works of different nature.


  • Fiction (Historical Novels, Love Stories, Erotica)
  • Non-Fiction (Autobiographies, Memoirs, Essays)
  • Poetry

List of her articles since 2013:

Homeopathy Clinical Case Studies: 

Her publications are available on all Amazon distribution channels, including bookstores.


Freelance journalist for: 

Il Font – Informazione di carattere – Salute, Benessere e Nuovi Stili di Vita:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IL-Font-Logo.jpg – Quotidiano di Cultura, Politica e Tempo Libero:

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Mobmagazine – Il salotto virtuale – di Maria Teresa De Donato:


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Hpathy Journal – Homeopathy for Everyone

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L’Idea Magazine – Nuovo Periodico On line degli Italiani negli USA